It has been days, months even, since I last brought up my blogger and started mindlessly jotting down my activities for the day, what I cooked, what I ate, ect. When we last left off, I was 19 and living in San Diego, California. I was a nutrition major at San Diego Mesa College, who had it all figured out. I loved food, I loved cooking, I loved writing about it and taking photos.
Fast foreword and it is now December 2011. The infamous last month of the year, filled with family and friends, presents and food, parties and hangovers, we all know the context that December bring. I now live in Los Angeles, California where I am still in school however I am on the brink of completing my History degree instead of my prior path of nutrition. I still love food and taking pictures of it, that much hasn't changed.
But myself, as a person, has changed entirely.
As much as I disprove of web-md self diagnoses, I have diagnosed myself with depression just before I left San Diego in July of 2011. There was a slight sequence of events that led up to this diagnoses, one was the severe lack of money I was experiencing due to my dead end job and overpriced living accommodations. The second, was the chance I had taken at giving someone my life, love, and respect that had been taken then immediately disregarded and myself left nearly homeless within hours of moving to Los Angeles. The third, and final reason that I have identified behind my less than optimistic view of life, is that I have no idea what I am doing, what I am supposed to be doing, or what I even CAN do.
And I know that millions of other people my age stare mindlessly out their windows everyday, wondering the same things I am. So my apologies to those who checked my blog for vegetarian updates, but this is going in an entirely new direction. I want to asses the things in my life that are making my unhappy, and I want to track my progress and motivators until I have reached a situation that I am happy in, a me that I am proud of.
And I want to help those people, who feel about as important as a red light in in Los Angeles. Those people just like me who are truly struggling to find their place in society. I want to have the kind of page that I find myself looking for, someone who would have all the answers to my problems without me having to ask them.
peace, love, and good luck out there <3
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